5 Reasons Fall Break Is A Death Trap For Every College Student

Fall break is perhaps the most dangerous time during the first semester of the school year.

Prior to going home or enjoying the break at school, everyone is fairly adapted to their schedules. We know when we need to get our work done by and we can generally time manage so that there is still time to hang out with our friends and enjoy the still-warm weather.

Once break comes around is when everything hits the fan, though. Suddenly, we have a long weekend and we feel invincible.

We begin to think that we do not need to do all of the things that were important to us before break:

1. Studying? What’s studying?


Midterms always coincide with fall break, which is a problem in itself. Whoever came up with the idea that college students should get a long weekend before their first significant exams was a twisted individual.

2. Sleep is for the weak.


Fall break completely messes up our sleep patterns. Before break, I was regularly waking up between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. daily so that I would build up a tolerance. Then, break arrived and I slept most days until 11 a.m. Now, I’m a shell of the productive person that I was before break.

Read full article on Odyssey.
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